It Is A Brand New Week With Brand New Opportunities!
Life can throw us a curve ball just when we think things are running smooth. What becomes most important when we hit these tough times in life is to remember our mindset and how we think and deal with them.
Today is Monday, a fresh start to our week. It is the perfect time to start fresh, nomatter what is going on in your life tell yourself that you are going to let go of last week, release all of the things that were hard to deal with; create a beautiful week ahead.
You are in charge of your life and your week chose to focus on the positive things that are in your life. Shut out the negative things that hurt you or cause you to feel bad about life.
If you just experienced a breakup, your mind set should be centered around the fact that “when one door closes another door opens.” This relationship ended for a reason and you need to trust that there is someone out there in the future, which you are meant to be with. Focus on the fact ,the right person cannot enter your life if you are in a relationship with the wrong person. You are now open for the right person. It is all about the possibility of a healthy happy future and things happen for a reason, not dwelling on loss.
If you lost your job, it is a similar thought process; you are now open for a better job that offers you more opportunities, one that will make you happier. You focus on finding something that you know you will be good at; fits your skill level and you know you will succeed at. Do not let your confidence drop or stop believing in yourself because people hiring sense that.
If you are dealing with a health issue focus on the power of positivity and how important it is to believe you are getting better. Losing hope or giving up is the worst thing you can do for yourself. It is important to do everything you can for yourself to eat right, exercise, get plenty of sleep and follow the doctor’s orders as well.
Let go of anything negative that you have experienced from yesterday.
Today is a brand new day and you can make this week a beautiful new rebirth.
Live, Laugh, Love daily; be happy and be sure to give thanks for all of your blessings!
Most of all do not forget to smile; it is the most important way to start your day.
Have a wonderful Week! Deni Abbie
Author: Deni Abbie
Deni Abbie specializes in Relationship Coaching, Dating Coach, Sports Improvement, Overcoming Anxiety, Hypnotherapy (breaking habits), Emotional Empowerment, Gaining Self Confidence and Self Esteem, Women in Transition, Overcoming Loss, Healing Children, and ultimately, getting you to that better life. Learn more at the Loving Life Website, or call her at (682) 514-9303.